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Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006, Tom Fine wrote:

> I work in Bedford Hills, NY. On nice days, I like to put on my iPod and take a brisk walk around
> town at lunchtime. I like to look around at the old houses and once in a while notice something
> interesting, one being a horse trough with a memorial inscription in a stone wall that surrounds a
> church. Now, where else except the Bedford Hills library am I likely to find out the story behind
> that memorial?

Which indeed is my point. I think about all of the Colleges with music
departments and their collections of departmental recordings...with all
but a handful of those collections being cataloged and preserved. I
believe Indiana University has been doing a good job with those, but other

I have some recordings of performances from the Juilliard School, some
going back to the 40s...just looking at the unique repertoire, and then
considering some of the great musicians who came from there and the
faculty performances, what a treasure trove. I wonder if places like that
are taking care of their recorded history.

I do see some progress, like major performing organizations having some
interest in their own history...the Chicago Symphony in particular.

However, with libraries, it seems that the unique and special don't
produce the use numbers and hence those unique materials crumble. They
seem to ignore where their future might likely be...or so it seems to me.


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