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Re: [ARSCLIST] back to the future, forward to the past

Glad you found it amusing! I saw some very weird typing on some other forum, and made some annoyed comment, and when someone said it was obviously text messaged from a phone I felt it was no excuse for poor typing. Good joke, bad typing!


(gee I never signed letters that way with a typewriter!)

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Mar 21, 2006, at 7:46 PM, David Lennick wrote:


Lou Judson wrote:

 Gee, that makes sense to me! I missed the article as my online sub to
 the NYTimes somehow lapsed...

 Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Mar 21, 2006, at 5:09 PM, David Lennick wrote:

> Not necessarily....anyone see yesterday's "Zits" comic strip? The
> father is
> laughing uproariously and tells the kid, "Jeremy, you have to read this
> newspaper article." The son replies, "Okay...what's the URL?"

 Or he could even say, Text it to me, only that would be "txt2M" in his


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