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Re: [ARSCLIST] back to the future, forward to the past

Thanks, I did follow directions for loading the plug-in but was unable to get it to work. I'm guessing our IT guy has some kind of protection against downloading and it's hung up, but he hasn't had time to look yet. Still, as I said, I was able to download the MP3 files and play a few. When (if) traffic dies down I can do more exploring. In the meantime, you ought to take a well-deserved bow. Success has it's problems, but it's still a great site, and beautifully presented.
My response below was posted to the net by mistake as I was talking to a friend about how to get this to work, but I don't retract my enthusiasm about the site. And since I've stumbled on to the list here, I might as well say what a great list it has been for me and for my AV tech. We rarely post, but we learn a lot and when we have posted, the response has been generous and helpful.
And then there are the freebies like this, which keep raising the bar....
with respect, Helen

David Seubert wrote:

The little green puzzle icon means you don't have QuickTime plugin installed. You don't need QuickTime to download files, just to stream them.

The article brought our database (but not the actual website or streaming radio which run on separate servers) down yesterday for a while, but we moved half the load to a second server this morning are we are back up again, though response time is not super quick. The database (which is actually our library catalog) is running on a Sunfire V90 server with 8 dual-core processors and it was being overwhelmed (which is partly a website architecture issue, not simply a speed issue). They had to bring the database down yesterday because staff could no longer check in and check out books because of the traffic!

Noah Pollaczek and I will be talking about the project in greater depth at the conference in Seattle, including all the gory stories of overloaded servers.

David Seubert

Helen Cornwall wrote:

They're swamped from people following up this article. I figured out the little green icon that looks like part of a puzzle is for streaming, which I can't get to work, (firewall?) but if I search on the item it gives me the choice to download an MP3, which then plays fine on Winamp. Mario Ancona accompanying this email, from 1907...way cool!
thanks, and if I get weekend time I'll follow up the other possibilities. --Hc


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