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[ARSCLIST] Acoustic vs real instruments, was Quarter-inch splicing tabs

Yeah, but a fine player can get a LOT more out of wood and steel in the way of expression and nuance. I do a lot of live music and electric keyboards are never as real as a well played and well mic'd piano. One genius-level professional performer I work with will bring only the synth for organ parts when there is a real piano in the room. The electric piano is only for touring... and she is in her thirties too.

Business week is not about music, only profit... (as far as I can see, only having read it abotu twice). Plus people who would rather use canned pianos instead of hiring a player have their own agenda. They can sound better, but rarely are played better.

I'll believe this is truth when I see a classical piano performance using an electric keyboard.


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Mar 13, 2006, at 10:25 AM, Scott Phillips wrote:

<gag> How painful that is.


After reading this in the Feb 27 Business Week, I'll believe anything when it comes to people's hearing.

"The familiar acoustic piano, with hammers that hit strings, seems
almost quaint. As a piece of furniture, it's still impressive. But
unless you spend big, it won't sound half as good as even a low-end
portable keyboard that stores digital samples of actual notes played on
a grand piano."

Marcos (in his 30s)

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