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Re: [ARSCLIST] Various "Odd" format restoration

At 10:36 AM 3/13/2006, Karl Miller wrote:
I have often wondered about all of those tapes that
still probably reside in the electronic music labs...I am reminded of all
of the different formats we used over the years...8 channel pieces on 1/2
inch tape, dbx encoded, etc. I wonder if anyone has been doing work with
these artifacts.

Hi, Karl, well you ARE three years older than I <smile>.

Hopefully not too commercial, but to let you know that there is still hope for these less-common formats.

I and others can transfer the formats that you mention. While they are essentially orphan, people like Steve Puntolillo and I have the capacity to digitize these tapes. Part of my Web site upgrade in recent weeks includes an hierarchical list of a wide variety of media formats and places that can still transfer them. It offers more detail in the areas that I am working in, obviously.

I've spent some time with an excellent technical writer/editor who ding'd me on little things so hopefully its navigation is even better now: http://www.richardhess.com/tapetips and it's called "Formats & Resources" in all the menus.

Orphan formats are a real problem and there are a wide number of formats that were created to solve specific problems. Formats were often changed to provide more capability for less money.

Steve is working on a history of multi-track formats, but, a general summary can be found at the bottom of this page for multi-track analog tapes.
Two-track existed in 1943-1944 in Germany.



Tape Restoration Seminar: MAY 9-12, 2006; details at Web site.
Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm

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