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Re: [ARSCLIST] White haze on older LPs -- cure??

This sounds extreme. Kind of like cutting a master.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Copeland, Peter" <Peter.Copeland@xxxxx>

Dear All,
   A brief reply from a Britisher. The problem cited by Tom Fine used
to occur here; and when I was working for a certain British Broadcasting
Corporation which shall remain nameless, I found a cure.
   The idea was to use an Ortofon SPU-GTE pickup cartridge. This was
the best pickup cartridge with an ellipsoidal stylus, with extremely low
"tip mass." By inserting small pieces of cut-up rubber-bands between the
stylus and the remainder of the headshell, one could increase the
downward pressure on the stylus without also increasing the tip mass.
Then one could play the disc with a downward pressure of seven or eight
grams - and the whitish haze would simply be removed from the groove. It
formed minute piles of stringy material round the stylus, which would
eventually break away; and a human-being puffing gently could blow the
patches of haze off the turntable.
   After one such treatment, I could get a satisfactory transmission
from such discs. In those days, the certain British Broadcasting
Corporation gave us rehearsal-time for just such a reason!
Peter Copeland
Former Technical Manager,
British Library Sound Archive.

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