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Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" audio tape digitizing

I agree with Marie. Many spoken word recordings have the potential for phonetic analysis--whether that was the original intention for the recording or not. Get the best digital signal you can (though, frankly, in my experience, more than 24-bit, 48 kHz is a waste of space), which means doing it in real time.

Barbara Need
Manager (SS4), Computer Support, Archivist
Language Labs and Archives, University of Chicago

At 9:31 -0600 13/2/06, Marie O'Connell wrote:
I work with spoken word/oral histories all the time, and it is my
recommendation that to make a digitized preservation copy/master, that it is
done in real-time. I work with both reel-to-reel and cassettes, with speeds
ranging from 15/16ths to 15ips.

I believe there is a requirement to get the best quality from spoken word
recordings.  In fact, in terms of preservation work, real-time is the only
way to go.  I'm sorry, it may take longer, but it is worth it.


Marie O'Connell
Sound Archivist/Audio Engineer
The Center For Oral History & Cultural Heritage
The University Of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive #5175
Hattiesburg, MS, 39401-406
Ph: 601-266-6514
Fax: 601-266-6217

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Allinaday@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:22 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" audio tape digitizing

I am working with two libraries to digitize their audio content. The audio

is now in quarter inch tape format for the most part.

I understand that, for spoken word recordings where absolute top quality is

not a requirement but digitization is, that there are 1/4" machines that
at  higher than normal speed, making the process of transferring a great
tapes  more cost-effective and less time-consuming.  Could anyone recommend
what  these machines might be and how much time they save.

I would also love help and a recommendation regarding the best
to work with if I have to outsource much of this work.

Thank you,
David Hoffman
_www.thehoffmancollection.com_ (http://www.thehoffmancollection.com)

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