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Re: [ARSCLIST] the public Domain

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006, Karl Miller lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I believe there are solutions, but it seems to me that we still need to
>make it clear that indeed there is a problem.

One of the biggest practical problems has been that everybody working for a major label has known for a decade that the majority of them were about to lose their jobs behind the the consolidation of labels that has been precipitated by the consolidation of broadcast, concert promotion and retail interests. Historical reissues have not been a priority in this business climate and the "file sharing" problem has only compounded the resistance.

Now that the second shoe has dropped for most, it should become a lot easier to obtain licenses than it was when the employment term expectancy of anybody you talked to at a label was around six months. On the other hand Internet technology makes it a lot more practical for copyright owners to issue material themselves rather than issuing licenses to an outside party. The oppertunities will probably lie in the area of audiophile reissues where small labels are allowed to create limited editions of high resolution versions with lavish packaging.

I expect technology will also make mechanical reproduction licenses lots easier to obtain.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
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