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Re: [ARSCLIST] Vinegar syndrome audio tapes [ARSCLIST] Memorex CDs and more

Tom Fine wrote:

".... Now, why should this PRIVATE property ever fall into anyone's hands for free? I think that's wrong. HOWEVER, I also think it's very wrong to keep content locked up in megaglomerates' vaults with no intent of ever letting it be heard again. What I seek is a middle ground, as I said in my message regarding Bob's posting. "

The reason why this "private property" should fall into anyone's hands for free is that the US Constitution promises it to us. While our legislators and "megaglomerates" are pushing for "perpetual copyright on the installment plan" (Lawrence Lessig's words, not mine), the constitution says: "The Congress shall have power...To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." The important word here is limited, and while the length of the term is debatable, the meaning of the world limited is not.

David Seubert

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