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Re: [ARSCLIST] Future data recovery from [Memorex CDs]

In a message dated 1/15/2006 8:59:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Okeh...what we need, then, is a bit of microcomponent that can be
put in a four-pin (or was it five?) tube base, or inside an old
tube, and duplicate the function and impedances of a UX-245...

Steven C. Barr

There used to be solid state replacements for tubes. We have custom built 
UX199 replacements in our Radiola III in the museum.

Teledyne made more sophisticated ones by the thousands to replace tubes in 
long distance telephone relays. They were called Fetrons and there were several 
to replace a number of miniature tube types. 

The point is that if there is a demand, it is quite possible to replicate 
older technology using more sophisticated technology. What we need to be 
concerned about is that there will be something left to apply the technology to.

Mike Csontos

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