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Re: [ARSCLIST] 78s on eBay

Mike Richter wrote:

> David Lennick wrote:
> > Okay..but have a little chat with him about "minty lacquers".
> >
> >
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4821775026&ru=http://music.search.ebay.com:80/4821775026_Records_W0QQa10244ZQ2d24QQa15964ZQ2d24QQa22567Z22576QQalistZa22567Q2ca15964Q2ca15965Q2ca10244QQbsZSearchQQcatrefZC6QQcoactionZcompareQQcoentrypageZsearchQQcombineZNQQcopagenumZ1QQcurcatZtrueQQfgtpZQQfposZ14092QQfromZR2QQfsooZ2QQfsopZ2QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQgcsZ1093QQlopgZQQpfidZ1268QQsacatZ306QQsadisZ200QQsaprchiZQQsaprcloZQQsargnZQ2d1QQsaslcZ2QQsbrftogZ1QQsofocusZbsQQfviZ1Vinegary
> tapes, minty lacquers - anyone for fruit salad?
> Mike

Well, there was one brand of open reel tape (possibly Scotch Tenzar?) that smelled distinctly like pecans....

This particular listing came up on 78-L, along with the minty lacquers query, exactly at the same time that Steve posted his notice to 78-C, 88son78s and ARSClist. I went looking for Steve's items via the seller's ID and found it was the exact same posting.

And for dessert, Chocolate Covered Matzos (an LP by Herschel Bernardi).


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