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[ARSCLIST] Future data recovery from [Memorex CDs]

In a message dated 1/13/2006 11:41:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
rjhodge@xxxxxxx writes:
Not to be a pessimist about this, but unless you've ever performed component 
level troubleshooting and replacement of surface mount 
components as I have done over the years, I have no doubt that eventually 
there will come a day when the printed circuit boards will become unreparable. 
Actually, that day has been with us for some time already. 

I don't think the pessimism about the playability of obsolete formats is 
justified. There will be future versions of the Archeophone. 

The electrical functions of the most complex circuit board can be simulated 
with a suitable microprocessor. The necessary custom mechanical parts may be 
generated by computer driven 3-D replicator printers.

I just had a custom precision guiding jig so manufactured as part of a dental 
implant procedure. The CAT scan had to be sent to Israel for the fabrication, 
but I'm sure American technology will catch up soon.

Mike Csontos

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