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Re: [ARSCLIST] 101 strings collection up for grabs LA area

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Miller" <lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> With all of this discussion, while Somerset and Alshire had a good sized
> market, I am reminded of all of those labels like Wyncote (part of Parkway
> Cameo), Plymouth, Varsity, RCA (Record Company of America), Musicraft,
> Golden Award, etc. Those labels were, in their own way, quite amazing. I
> have several recordings featuring John Towner Williams on some of those
> budget labels. It can take some (well maybe quite a bit) of digging to
> find a treasure.
Those who frequent Goodwill, Salvation Army and other thrift emporia will
discover an all-but-innumerable collection of LP labels...often offering
material to which the most likely reaction would be, "How could they ever
have thought that ANYBODY wanted to hear this badly enough to pay
< whatever the price was, often <$1 > for this album?!"

And I'm not even counting discs like one containg a holiday concert
of the Hartsburg-Emden High School Band & Chorus...

BTW, is the "Musicraft" above related to the forties 78 label
of the same name?

Steven C. Barr

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