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Re: [ARSCLIST] Zoot suit riots audio search

Jeanette, you can contact the Mr. William Morrow a
Member of the Association of Moving Images Archivists
based in New York at www.info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am
sure he can help or give positive leads.

Gramophone Records Museum and Research Centre of Ghana
P.O.Box UC 35
University of Cape Coast Post Office
Cape Coast
--- Jeanette Berard <JBERARD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a question just in from a production
> assistant looking desperately for any news radio
> coverage of the zoot suit riots in Los Angeles,
> 1943.  She'd settle for newsreel footage with audio.
> She has already contacted us, the American Radio
> Archive, the Museum of TV and Radio, UCLA, and
> several long-standing LA radio stations.
> If there's anyone out there with actual audio or a
> solid lead, she'd be extremely glad to hear of it. 
> Thanks,
> Jeanette
> Jeanette Berard, MLS, CA
> Special Collections Librarian
> Thousand Oaks Library System
> (805) 449-2660 xt228
> jberard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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