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Re: [ARSCLIST] To keep the tapes or not

Almost anything before the sticky period for Ampex (which I think began
mid-70's) is not generally sticky, although sporatic reports indicate many
types of back-coated tapes can develop a SS-like syndrome. Some people swear
to have sticky reels of Scotch 206, for instance, although former 3M execs
say 206 cannot become sticky. Then there's the theory that it's not the
binder but the back-coat materials. For my own use, I don't buy used tape
off places like eBay, period. I got burned once by choosing to use Ampex 407
in my youth.

So far, any Quantegy tape I have bought since the late 1990's has not had
any problems. Supposedly, sticky-shed was reognized and fixed before Ampex
spun off the tape operations but I just don't trust anything pre-Quantegy.

The Scotch tapes with problems were 226/227 types.

For old pre-backcoat tapes, you have two problems: age and acetate curling
and becoming brittle. I would say it's never worth it to record anything new
on this old stock. Just toss it. Just because I have a genuine article
from-the-day virgin reel of Scotch 111 does not mean I'll ever record sound
on it. Hmmm, maybe some fool would pay big bucks on ebay for that "vintage"
tape, same as what Elvis used ;).

Anyway, it looks like Quantegy is back from the dead and ATR Services is
supposed to start selling their tape soon, and allegedly there is tape
manufacturing going on in Holland (Goran? True or false?). So, just buy new
if you care about what you're putting on the tape.

One man's opinion, etc.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] To keep the tapes or not

> In a message dated 12/10/2005 12:45:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Anyone who is serious about tape recording should start with new stock or
> least NOS tape that they have kept under proper conditions and know for
> is not prone to sticky-shed.
> -- Tom Fine
> *************
> Considering the limited time period during which tape subject to
> was manufactured, I wonder if there is or will be a time when, if a tape
> sticky, it won't be?
> Mike Csontos

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