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Re: [ARSCLIST] Edward R. Murrow "Hear It Now"

How many copies do you need? I must have at least 2 of each volume. I even have
#2 on 78 (EVERYBODY has #1 on 78).


Tom Fine wrote:

> I was sad to find out yesterday that the copies I had been given of the
> first and third "I Can Hear It Now" LPs are not playable on my system. The
> first one probably can be played and digi-fixed if it were tracked heavy
> (I'm set up to track at 2 grams or less for LPs). The third one seems to
> have been stored in a way that some of the grooves are actually crushed in,
> although heavy tracking may work for it too. I plan to bring them by my
> brother's house next time I'm there because he has an old broadcast
> turntable that can track as heavy as he wants to torture his needle. The
> previous owner definitely got some playing time out of these LPs and they
> were, alas, from the dawn of LPs with no inner sleeves and the previous
> owner never added inner sleeves.

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