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[ARSCLIST] More Free classical LPs

OK, found another pile to cull. These all came from my college library,
which dumped most of their LPs when I was a student in the mid-80s. I recall
checking to make sure anything I took had not circulated more than once or
twice, so these should be in excellent shape.

All Deutsche Grammophon LPs

1. Tchaikovsky "1812" Overture, Capriccio Italien, Marche Slave -- Chicago
Symphony, Daniel Barenboim, digital recording, 1982

2. Stravinsky "Petrouchka" -- London Symphony, Claudio Abbado, digital
recording, 1982

3. Tchaikovsky, Symphony #5 -- London Symphony, Karl Bohm, digital
recording, 1981

4. Tchaikovsky, Violin Concerto -- Berlin Phil., Lorin Maazel, violon: Gidon
Kremer, digital recording, 1980

5. Schubert Symphony #5 and Schumann Symphony #4 -- Vienna Philharmonic,
Karl Bohm, analog recording, 1980

6. Bartok Concerto for Orchestra and Two Pictures -- Berlin Philharmonic,
Lorin Maazel, analog recording, 1981

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