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Re: [ARSCLIST] message from Rod Stephens

Comment and question for Rod, perhaps trivial:

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Nov 15, 2005, at 3:37 PM, Tom Fine wrote:

But its advantage for radio work was that
if any one valve (U.S. "bottle") started failing, you were given switches to
find out which one it was.

In the USA Bottles are for beer or milk; we call your valves "tubes" or electron tubes. Any Americans ever called a tube a bottle?

and a
very sophisticated "main gain" control (a stud fader) which also altered the

And, is a "stud" fader a screwdriver adjusted pot, or something else? "Stud" has other meaning in the UsA as well.

And most important, will it be possible to do a stereo version of the coronation? If so maybe the Kennedy funeral could be similarly treated here.



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