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Re: [ARSCLIST] Richard Hess' Audio Tape Reformatting and Restoration Seminar

Why thank you very much, kind sir! I really enjoyed doing it. There were a lot of insightful questions and the two-way dialogue was helpful to me as well. It was fun resurrecting Fr. Hesburgh from that old 8-track! While I've only done a dozen or so, I cannot believe that anyone recorded original material to 8-track cartridges!



At 01:10 PM 11/8/2005, Erik Dix wrote:
Hello everybody!

I just wanted to thank Richard for creating this seminar. I participated in it and found it very useful for my work in the Notre Dame Archives. I can only recommend it to anybody who needs to do audio transfers. I have no audio engineering background and everything I am doing is basically self taught. Richard was very patient with everybody and answered any questions that we had. Everybody brought some form of tape format and we all watched as it was transferred in Richard's studio.
For institutions who can't afford a full time audio engineer this seminar is a "godsend".
Would be great if somebody would offer something like this for record transfers as well. :)

Erik Dix Notre Dame Archives

Richard L. Hess richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada http://www.richardhess.com/
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm

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