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Re: [ARSCLIST] Squealing Scotch 996

Tom Fine wrote:

> According to the list of 3M tapes:
> http://recordist.com/ampex/docs/histgen/aorprod2.html
> 996 has a different binder type from know sticky-shed types (226, Classic
> 88x types). Is this problem present in more than one reel? What were the
> storage conditions?
> >From the reports I've seen on the Ampex list -- reports by reputable people
> who more than likely understand what they're dealing with -- many types of
> usually non-suspect tapes can develop sticky-shed-like symptoms under
> extreme conditions. For instance, I'd state pretty strongly that Scotch 206
> is immune to sticky-shed based on my experience with hundreds of reels
> spanning from its introduction in 1969 until it was discontinued, but at
> least a couple members of the Ampex list have encountered sticky 206. And, I
> encountered a single reel of Scotch 208 -- out of a stack of several dozen
> that had been in a warehouse and then an attic over a 20-year period -- that
> was definitely sticky. 208 and 206 have the same binder and neither should
> ever go sticky.

Okay, I admit it....I've had ONE sticky reel of 206. And that was full of
splices, so I suspected other factors. Never a problem with other rolls of 206
or 207 in 30 years. I haven't been able to use 208 because my machines weren't
calibrated for it, although it seemed popular with news teams for use on Nagras.

I've also had exactly one sticky roll of 175. Never a problem with 176 or 177,
but a roll of *275* from ORTF once gummed up a Studer so badly it was out of
commission for a day and a half. No problems with AGFA or BASF from the EBU and
I still have tons of that stuff. Deutsche Welle on the other hand was using a
1-mil tape (back-coated, brown oxide) in the late 80s that seemed to turn sticky
as soon as it was aired.

Everyone seemed to hate Zonal, but I've never had a sticky roll of it..although
the leader the BBC was using on its Radio Newsreels (on Zonal) often turned
sticky. I presume this would also affect adjacent layers of the tape.

Just a little random unspooling.


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