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Re: [ARSCLIST] reel-to-reel tape

"Richard L. Hess" wrote:

> At 05:42 PM 9/25/2005, David Lennick wrote:
> >Utah Electronics was the manufacturer of the tape recorder, which was called a
> >"Magictape"....<snip>
> >
> >Just googled "Magictape" and "Utah" and the only references to a
> >tape recorder by
> >that name are a couple of old 78-L posts of mine, so maybe I dreamed the whole
> >thing. The last 55 years didn't happen.
> Hi, David,
> That is interesting as the only other time I ran across Utah tapes
> were on the reels as you described and they were from someone who
> grew up in Montreal, so I had assumed it was a Canadian outfit
> (despite it's name). One of the tapes he had me transfer was Queen
> Elizabeth's Coronation in 1952 and although you indicated that the
> unit had a radio in it, it sure sounded as if they had mic'd the radio.
> I've never seen the reels or machines in any U.S. projects.
> I've bcc'd two tape recorder collectors and maybe they can tell me
> something and be willing to have me post it to ARSC list.
> Cheers,
> Richard

I know they had a model that didn't include a radio (okay, "tuner") because that
was what was pictured in the booklet, along with a pretty lady in an expensive
dress making recordings with a microphone (those were the days, my friend). And I
have a few other reels (sans tape) like the ones described from when one of Johnny
Wayne's kids brought some old tapes into the CBC to have them copied..retrieved
them from the garbage can when I was visiting the Archives. (As some will know, I
used to retrieve a lot of stuff from the garbage cans at the CBC, including master
tapes where the Corp had saved only a 3rd-generation transfer made from airchecks
recorded on lacquers. As late as 1965.)


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