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Re: [ARSCLIST] Theremin, was [ARSCLIST] Unique record-related scents

Aaron Z Snyder wrote:

> Dave Lennick wrote:
> > Ah, but nobody can top my favorite Thereminist, a Miss
> > Hannenfeld (Zelda?
> > Lorena? Doris? Laura? Chloe?) on Victor 22296, I'm A
> > Dreamer--Aren't We All, with the Victor Salon Orchestra.
> That must be from 1929, judging by the song title. Are there many (any
> other?) really early recordings of the Theramin?

1930, actually. Victor Canada also turned out a couple of recordings in the
216500 series, by the "Victor Theremin". (Her name was something like Zoraida
Hannenfeld. Not listed in the Victor Master Book and the record wasn't in the
catalog by 1932 so I'd have to look at the label, wherever that record is

> > I once tried to interest Pearl in an all-Theremin disc. They
> > didn't think it was a great idea.
> Have you tried Naxos yet? They seem to want to publish everything! (...and
> that's *not* a complaint!)

And I want to keep it that way!


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