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[ARSCLIST] Position open: Creative Audio Archive Manager at ESS

I am forwarding this on behalf of Lou Mallozzi.

Read on,

Tom S. Caw
UWM Music Library
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53211
W: 414.229.5529
H: 414.963.1507


Position open immediately:
Creative Audio Archive Manager at Experimental Sound Studio.

Experimental Sound Studio (ESS) is searching for someone to manage the
Creative Audio Archive (CAA).

ESS is a nonprofit organization founded in 1986 for the promotion,
production, presentation, and preservation of innovative and diverse
approaches to the sonic arts.  CAA is a recently begun program of ESS --
a repository for collections of audio and related materials pertaining
to the history of exploratory sonic arts.  It currently consists of
three collections:
1. approximately 250 recordings of performances, installations,
workshops, artists' projects, and other materials from the 19-year
history of ESS programs;
2. recordings of 135 performances from the Links Hall Performance Series
1987 - 1990;
3. approximately 600 rehearsal, recitation, and performance recordings
by composer and bandleader Sun Ra.

CAA is conceived of as a living archive and not as a passive storage
facility.  Thus, in addition to duplication and preservation of
recordings, CAA also provides an on-line searchable catalog of its
holdings, and develops public programs for the interpretation and
interrogation of its holdings.

The CAA Manager position is part-time, approximately 32 hours per month
(i.e.: one day per week), paying $500 per month. It is a one-year
appointment, and it is renewable, pending funding availability.  Start
date is October 1, 2005.  The position requires:
1. some familiarity with archive or library procedures, especially as
they pertain to audio and media materials;
2. some familiarity with Encoded Archival Description (EAD);
3. a commitment to contemporary and exploratory music and art forms;
4. excellent organizational skills.
The CAA Manager works closely with the ESS Executive Director, but must
be capable of continued self-regulated work, research, management, and

The CAA Manager, in addition to ongoing organization of CAA, will be
responsible for the following CAA projects during the next 12 months:
1. Working with two producers on the production of two hour-long radio
programs on exploratory sonic arts based on CAA holdings, to be produced
by the end of October 2005;
2. Working with two data base and internet consultants on the
implementation of an on-line catalog of CAA holdings conforming to the
EAD standard (fall 2005 - spring 2006);
3. Coordinating continued duplication and cataloging of CAA holdings,
and on-line catalog updates, with ESS staff and volunteers (ongoing);
4. Moving and organizing the CAA holdings at the new ESS facility in
February 2006.

Interested applicants should send a brief resume and letter to ESS
Executive Director Lou Mallozzi at <Lou@xxxxxxxxxx>.  Inquiries for
further information can be made to the same address.  Please do not
call.  Applications will be accepted through September 23, 2005.

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