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[ARSCLIST] Marie O'Connell well in Jackson

I just got off the phone with Marie O'Connell and she and her dog have just arrived in Jackson and they are now resting.

She said she had never been through anything like this in her life. All her neighbours were elderly so she was trying to take care of them as well as her self. They were evacuated today and her colleagues from USM drove her up to Jackson. Her family in NZ knows that she is safe as well.

Three trees fell on her house and many of the streets in Hattiesburg are blocked by fallen trees. There is no electricity in the city. The basement archive studio where she works has some water on the floor, but she had prepared it as well as she could, with the computer in an aquarium (oddly being used in the opposite mode) and plastic sheeting over the rest of the equipment.

She couldn't really assess the state of the sound archives as it was pitch black and all she had was a small "torch." I guess she's not a flashaholic like me <smile>. ( see http://www.richardhess.com/be/flashlights.htm for my addiction.)

She sounded very tired and was suffering from some stress and is seeing a doctor tomorrow to make sure everything is OK, but she sounded like herself otherwise. She was very pleased to hear that people were worrying about her and was glad I called and wanted to make sure that I let you all know that she was OK.

She was also worried about Parker and I was able to tell her that he was safe in Austin.

Best regards,


Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vignettes Media web: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm

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