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Re: [ARSCLIST] Playing Records Backward

  Regarding Mike Csontos's message about "cue burn" from back-spinning to cue
up LPs at radio stations, I have a comment since I have worked at stations
since 1967. First, that Mike is correct that such back-spinning is usually done
very fast and that heavy tone-arm pressure can cause serious damage. However,
in my experience  how often the record is played and the material from which
it was made is another big factor. WFMT, where I have worked since 1972, has
always used top-of-the-line tone-arms and Shure cartridges (V-15-V for some
years), so the tracking pressure has been very light and the rest of it good.
Nevertheless, some medium-priced LPs of the past, such as Nonesuch, display "cue
burn" after just a few uses whereas so-called top-of-the-line LPs do not, even
after many more uses. The quality and resilience of the vinyl may therefore
play a role.

  Don Tait

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