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[ARSCLIST] Playing Records Backward

I'm interested in sorting out if playing records backward can damage ones
phonograph equipment.  I work as a sound designer for local theatre and
such.  I also own an Esoteric Model Turntable, which I purchased with the
reverse platter rotation option.  It is designed for people who need to
play metal parts and I thought it would be a good thing to have for
future options even though I don't have any real need at this point in
time.  Since the turntable has a fairly wide range of adjustability to
the speed with a pretty nice pitch control I've been experimenting with
recording sounds as strange speeds when I am looking for an effect.  It
occurred to me that it might be interesting to record things backward and
I'm curious if it will damage the needle or cartridge.

I've got 2 Carts, my main one is the Stanton 500-II and the 2nd is an
older Stanton that I had for so long that the sticker model number has
rubbed off (it takes the 6800 needles).  If I play something backward for
a relatively long period of time what kind of damage could I do.  I know
that the cartridges have parts that make micro movements in the coils and
it occurred to me that if they were suddenly forced to go in the opposite
direction that it was not designed for it could pose a problem.  What
kind of problems could occur?  Would it only affect the needle itself or
could it affect the cart as well?  I always have a couple needles for
each cart so that I can use one exclusively on really trashed LPs and
thrift store finds so as not to damage the grooves on decent LPs and
would continue to use certain needles for backwards playing.  I'm not
worried about the LPs as much.  I know there could be some damage, but
for the most part I would be using spare copies, things that were not
getting heavy rotation on my play list, beat up thrift store things, and
even LPs that have also been attacked and altered for effect.  Out of
curiosity I'd be interested to know what playing an LP backwards would do
to the grooves and if it would cause long term damage that would affect
it when played properly.  Thanks.  Randy

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