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[ARSCLIST] National Film and Sound Archive (Australia) Positions

Forwarding for Mary Miliano

Dear All,

The National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia, is advertising
three Senior Curator positions.

The positions are for:
Senior Curator, Moving Image,
Senior Curator, Recorded Sound, and
Senior Curator, Documents and Artefacts.

Details of the advertisement are below. Links from this
will take you to the website to see full details of job descriptions and
duty statements.

Kind regards (and apologies for any cross postings)

Mary Miliano
Project Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collection
National Film and Sound Archive
phone: +61 2 6248 2105   |   fax: +61 2 6248 2167
McCoy Circuit Acton Canberra ACT 2601

The National Film and Sound Archive collects, preserves and provides access
to Australia's historic and contemporary moving image and recorded sound
culture. We are a Division of the Australian Film Commission.


                                A Division of the Australian Film

                              SENIOR CURATOR
                               Moving Image

                              SENIOR CURATOR
                              Recorded Sound

                              SENIOR CURATOR
                          Documents and Artefacts

The Australian Film Commission (AFC) is an Australian Government statutory
authority that aims to enrich Australia's cultural identity by fostering an
internationally competitive audiovisual production industry, making
Australia's audiovisual content and culture available to all, and
developing and preserving a national collection of sound and moving image.

The National Film and Sound Archive, a Division of the AFC, collects,
preserves and provides access to Australia's historic and contemporary
moving image and recorded sound culture. It seeks dynamic, committed Senior
Curators to lead the Archive's teams in the development of its moving
image, recorded sound and documents collections.

As Senior Curators you will work as a part of the Archive's management team
and contribute to the future direction and shaping of all of its curatorial
operations. The Archive's plans are focused on collection growth and
interpretation; the combination of Australian priorities and international
context; the building of a vibrant archival programming and exhibition
environment throughout Australia and beyond, and creating new opportunities
for a wide spanning archival research program which specifically exploits
the national audiovisual collection.

We seek individuals willing to take responsibility for the national
audiovisual collection and its future, with the drive and the curatorial
experience to become involved in this demanding, satisfying and unique
cultural climate. Application procedures and selection criteria can be
found at www.afc.gov.au/profile 

If after reading the selection documentation you require further
information, contact Josie Tomas on + 61-2-62482238 or email

Applications addressing the selection criteria, stating relevant
qualifications and experience and including references from two recent
referees, should be forwarded in Word 97/2000 format to
recruitment@xxxxxxxxxx or addressed to:

The Recruitment Officer
Australian Film Commission
GPO Box 2002
Canberra city ACT 2601
By close of business Thursday 4 September 2005.

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