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Re: [ARSCLIST] 33 to 78

Mike Richter wrote:

> At 05:32 PM 7/7/2005 -0400, Steven Smolian wrote:
> >I'm having a problem dubing a bunch of 78s which skip a lot at that speed.
> >
> >They seem to play through at 33.
> >
> >Eq aside, if I record at 33, how many half-tones do I need to bump up the
> >sound file in the computer to get to 78.26 or thereabouts?
> I'd recommend trying 45 rpm; the correction then is less than an octave.
> Regardless, if your adjustment is by semitones, you will be significantly off.
> 78/45 = 1.733333...
> 78/33 = 2.363636... = 2 x 1.1818... = 1 octave plus ~3 semitones
> If you can set fractions of a semitone, you should be able to set the multiple.
> Mike

Or if you have a Lenco, you can locate 39RPM and probably be pretty close on pitch,
then just double it in the computer.


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