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Re: [ARSCLIST] 2GB limit for audio file formats

On 26/06/05, Goran Finnberg wrote:
> Don Cox:
>> Not for serious listening but for serious processing.
> Are you really 100% sure about that???
> It is very easy to do a null test in Sonic since every copy soundfile
> has the same exact time stamp.
> The same goes for Algorithmic but can be done in real time. But in
> this cas eit is easier to get artifacts compare to Sonic.
> After remowing 10s of thousands of clicks from a 78 disk and I do a
> null test what's left is ONLY clicks with absolutely zero heard from
> the music.
78s have little above 10KHz, so 44.1 is enough for click detection. LPs
go up to 20KHz.
> Not a single trace of that is heard.
> What am I missing in not using 192 kHz for declicking?

Compared with 96KHz? Not much. But why not make it as easy for the
software as possible?

Don Cox

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