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Re: [ARSCLIST] High sample rates for noise removal (was 2GB limit for audio file formats)

> There are other side effects to consider as well.  The mechanical
> response of a MC transducer is quite different to a MM when it comes
> to mechanical imperfections (scratches, cracks, gouges, etc.).  In
> the case of the MC, the noise that is produced not only has much
> higher harmonics than the MM, but the fundamental frequency of the
> noise is higher as well.  This tends to put a bigger gap between the
> audio signal and the noise signal, which also makes removal of the
> noise easier.

The fundamental frequency of the noise of MC cartridges being higher
compared to MM cartridges?

Why would that be pray tell?

I´m lost here since a cartridge has a bandpass response with a low
rolloff below 5 to 25 Hz and a top rolloff above 20 kHz.

Between these limits the response is relatively flat.

What would be the reason for a higher fundamental since the actual phase
and frequency responses differ little?

>  This tends to put a bigger gap between the
> audio signal and the noise signal, which also makes removal of the
> noise easier.

ONLY for the click detect part.

Noise removal no.


Goran Finnberg
The Mastering Room AB

E-mail: mastering@xxxxxxxxx

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can never live long enough to
make them all yourself.    -   John Luther

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