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[ARSCLIST] Mac vs PC - Thanks

Thanks and kudos to all who responded to my query on the Mac vs. PC
debate.  You folks are FB!!! ( I cross posted on both AMIA & ARSCLIST
Listservs.)  The battle is lost and I'll be acquiring a PC to use for
multi-media video and audio capture & DVD/CD authoring.  I'd like to
say, however, that with only one exception, the only gung-ho support for
PCs were from audio only archives & production facilities.  Clearly
video, with the massive file size and streaming issues from application
to application, is best supported by Mac.

I have a large, broadcast media archive and I am a one-horse shop.  So
ease of use, high productivity & durability, and minimal troubleshooting
is a priority.  I am planning on creating DVDs and CDs of our analogy
media for public access and for streaming on our web site.  (I will also
be creating an archival master in Beta SP at the same time.)  I have a
good idea of the kinds of software packages I need.  For instance, I
nixed my boss's selection of an expensive NLE package that did DVD/CD
authoring as a sort of by the way.  I would not be using 9/10ths of the
package's capabilities, at a $1600 price tag.   Thankfully he's asked me
to identify a better package.

I'm looking at Sonic Solutions ReelDVD 3,  Adobe Encore DVD and Ulead
DVD Workshop 2.  Any commentary on any of these?  Any other
recommendations for professional DVD authoring software for PCs?  I'm
also interested in acquiring some Audio Restoration software.  I'd like
to keep the price around $600-800 per application.  And I need them to
work on the same machine.  The Waves Restoration Bundle @ $2400 &
Algorithmix ScratchFree Pro @ EUR 1490, are both attractive, but a
little steep for my budget.  Any ideas?

Klara Foeller
Curator, Moving Image & Sound Collections
Missouri Historical Society

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