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[ARSCLIST] TAPE questionnaire on audiovisual collections

With apologies for cross-posting.

We would like to ask your cooperation for the TAPE-project (Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe, supported by the Culture 2000 Programme of the EU). TAPE focuses on audiovisual collections, more specifically sound and moving image collections kept by local and municipal archives, museums, (research) libraries, research institutes etc. 

The five partners in TAPE are now working on a survey of problems and priorities in audiovisual archives in Europe. The information will be used for an accessible introduction to promote preservation of audiovisual collections and for developing training activities. 

We would highly appreciate your participation in the survey. To this end the TAPE partners have developed a questionnaire on the management of audiovisual collections. We realize that for many organizations it may be difficult to provide information on all aspects. We have divided the questionnaire into sections to facilitate focusing on those sections most relevant for your organization. We would encourage you to send in a response even if the questionnaire can only partially be filled out. You may also refer us to background documents that provide information on your audiovisual collections, or other publications we should take into account. Any comments, in whatever form, would be most welcome.

The questionnaire is available as a PDF file and web form in eight languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish) see http://www.tape-online.net/questionnaire/ We would appreciate receiving your response by 1 July 2005. Responses will be treated confidentially and in the survey that will be published organizations will not be named. All organizations that respond will receive a printed copy of the final publication.

We sincerely hope you are willing to participate and would be most grateful for your help. If you have further questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

For more information on TAPE see www.tape-online.net

Anne Muller

European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA)
P.O. Box 19121, NL-1000 GC  Amsterdam, 
visiting address: c/o KNAW, Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29,
NL-1011 JV  Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel. ++31 - 20 - 551 08 39   fax  ++31 - 20 - 620 49 41
URL: http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/

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