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Re: [ARSCLIST] My new "studio"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard L. Hess" <ArcLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I don't DO grooved restorations. The 1200 is there for fun. I DO tape restorations, but once in a while a client wants me to do an LP--and I transfer some of my own LPs. I don't have (m)any 78s.

If I had paid attention to the site, I would have figured it out. What you do with tape looks more "fearsome" than 78 restorations (some of it looks positively impossible to fix). I guess it takes patience for good results, whatever the media is.

The isolation transformer has an electrostatic shield. It is from Marcus
Transformers in Montreal.

Do you have any idea what the weight is? Items like that can cost an arm and/or leg to ship to Texas from Montreal.


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