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Re: [ARSCLIST] baking tapes

Hello ,

I don't worry about the pack when baking.  Only when being played or
for long term storage. In fact, I believe that the loose ,uneven wind
helps the infiltration of the heat within the pack.
I consider keeping the SSS evenly distributed throughout the pack  very
important, and allowing the tape to run on the transport guides causes
extremely uneven buildup of the binder as it sloughs off the guides or
any other fixed appendages.Keeping those guides clean is a pain too .

Best ,

Bob Hodge

>>> dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx 6/6/2005 1:17:46 PM >>>
David Seubert wrote:

> Why are metal reels necessary? Anything hot enough to melt plastic
> would be damaging the tape too. We bake tapes on plastic reels and
> U-Matic videos in the cassettes all the time with no problems.
> David

I was going to echo this..I've had several tapes baked without having
to run
them onto metal reels, something that's a major pain to do in the first
if the tape is too sticky to play (you have to run it OUTSIDE the head
and you end up with a very uneven pack). I'd think the good Scotch and
reels can take the heat..maybe the very flimsy cheap ones might not.


> Robert Hodge wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >Baking your reel to reel tape requires the following:
> >
> >1- VERY  IMPORTANT !!- Put the tape on a metal reel.   When
> >transferring the tape to the metal reel, don't allow it to rub
> >guides or heads in the tape machine as it will cause the sticky
shead to
> >build up in clumps randomly on the tape, and make it all but
> >to remove. Wind the tape loosely on the reel.   Reels should be
> >spaced with an empty reel between each full one.
> >
> >

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