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[ARSCLIST] Fwd: Georgia Tech - Record Archiving

I'm forwarding this inquiry at the request of Mr. Orlosky, at Georgia Tech,
who would appreciate any information others may be able to provide.  Please
respond directly to Mr. Orlosky, or, if you choose to respond to the list,
please be sure to cc: Jason Orlosky <gtg416b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, as he is
not subscribed to the list at this time.
Aurora Perez
Archive of Recorded Sound, Stanford

X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 19:07:06 -0400
From: "Jason O." <gtg416b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
To: aperez@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Georgia Tech - Record Archiving

This is Jason Orlosky from Georgia Tech and I work for the Director at the
music department. We have begun to archive the old vinyl records in the
Georgia Tech music library. Basically we have several thousand records
composed mainly of vinyl from many different years that we would like to
clean and archive properly. We have several questions regarding the proper
way of cleaning the records, transferring them to other digital media
(mainly cds), and the costs of the whole process. We would appreciate any
advice we could get. If you could forward this and the following more
detailed questions to the archive newsgroup, we would also greatly
appreciate it.

We need a turntable with 45, 33&1/3, and preferrably 78rpm with fine tuning. What type of turntable should we use and what are the lower and higher end options?

What different stylus might we need for different grooves and cuts from
different time periods. What are the different brands, materials, and
costs of these stylus? Also, how can we identify which stylus should be
used for each record? What type of whips will we need?

Should route the turntable media to a protools or motu type system with
hard disk recording capability? We currently have a recording system with
Bluetube pre-amps and a tascam cd recorder. Would our current system be
adequate or are there some other recommended systems? Do the recommended
turntables have built-in amplifiers or would we need an separate one?

Are there any techniques or hints for noise reduction?

We would also need to clean many of the records.  Do you have any
recommendations for high and low end machines or manual equipment that
could accomplish cleaning without damaging the records?

Any other recommendations, comments, or hints for the archiving process
and would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time,

Jason Orlosky
Georgia Institute of Technology
Music Department
mobile: (706)-589-5190
Dept.: (404)-894-8964

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