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Re: [ARSCLIST] Telarc discs and Denon DN-C635's

For starters, a stupid question; what condition are the discs in?
Fingerprints, etc? I'm assuming they're spotless. Given that, I will hazard
a guess that these discs are in the beginning stages of laser rot, and that
the Denon are more sensitive than the Sony to this. The problem is that over
time they will become unplayable. I would recommend checking over your
entire catalog from this era. If it is just a Telarc problem, you should be
able to narrow it down to a certain pressing plant, etc so that you needn't
copy everything to CD-R to preserve it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thom Pease
> Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 1:18 PM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [ARSCLIST] Telarc discs and Denon DN-C635's
> There was a question from a public radio listserv
> (Association of Music Personnel in Public Radio) I'm on about
> early Telarc discs and how they might/might not work with
> certain kinds of equipment.
> Here's the e-mail.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Thom
> Thom Pease
> Grad. Student, School of Library & Info. Science Music
> Assistant, WFIU-FM 103.7 Indiana University-Bloomington
> tpease@xxxxxxxxxxx
> *****************************************
> We have an irritating problem with our Denon DN-C635 CD players.
> They refuse to play--in part, and sometimes completely--the
> earlier releases in the Telarc catalog.  Mostly this is
> confined to the last tracks on a CD, which would be the outer
> tracks, but sometimes it can be the inner tracks.  This
> covers most all Telarc product from the beginning through the
> late 80's and in some cases beyond.
> We never had this problem with the Sony players we previously
> used.  It has gotten so I hate these +%$& machines.
> Is anybody else having this problem with the DN-C635's?  Any
> good solutions?
> Right now the best I can do is dub off the selection--using a
> different machine--to hard drive, and play it on the air via
> DALET.  That is a pain in the a++ and can't be a permanent
> solution.  I'm suggesting to our engineering department that
> we go back to Sony's, but our chief engineer doesn't like the
> fact that the current crop of consumer-grade Sony's can only
> be programmed (he says) by remote units, making for obvious
> difficulties in a studio with two or more machines.
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