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Re: [ARSCLIST] cataloging sound recordings

On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Steven Smolian wrote:

> Before spending time on the same-old same-old, I'd have to be convinced the
> time spent in looking over any propsed matrix, will  reveal that it is
> capable of doing what will satisfy the experienced collector.
> Otherwise, we DO need a different system, one that puts their need first.

Reading Steven's remarks...I am reminded of the staying that library
catalogs were designed for librarians. I still believe that is true. When
I look at what our local system does to the MARC record...something, as
has already been pointed out, not designed for recordings (not to mention
its encumbered methodology)...I will have to spend more time than I think
I should to figure out what is exactly in the bibliographic record. For
example..."conductor in the first work." How can I remember the ordering
of the pieces on the disc when it took enough time to even find the piece
I was looking for in the contents listing. As a discographer, looking in
OCLC is a nightmare for me. Then, if you can find a record for a
recording, often times it doesn't tell you what you want to know...plus, so
many errors...I know, I have corrected plenty of them. MARC had its place
when it was used to make cards for card catalogs and was limited to books.

I would love to see a cataloging system designed by users...I think we may
have that in many of the popular search engines.

I find it amusing that I get my best information on subject headings by
consulting allmusic.com


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