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[ARSCLIST] Database template - Artist Instrumentation Project

Please excuse cross-postings

I'm happy to announce that, thanks to the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, a database
template I designed to describe electronic devices is now available for downloading. The template was produced
with support from the Foundation's Researcher-in-Residence Program as part of the Artist Instrumentation
Database Project.

To download the template, search for "jimenez" on the Foundation's site at http://www.fondation-langlois.org/
Open the first page of the Artist Instrumentation Database Project. The link to the download page is in the second

I encourage all those interested to try out the template and please feel free to adapt it for your own purposes. It
was designed with custom devices in mind, such as video synthesizers, but will also work for commercial devices
like video or audio recorders. Please note that the examples are meant to be illustrative, rather than complete.

Independent Media Art Preservation (IMAP), through the work of Jeff Martin, is conducting a feasibility study for an
online registry of obsolete media equipment. They propose to use my template as a model, but with far fewer
fields. For more information on the progress of that effort, please contact IMAP at imap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and/or
Jeff Martin at jjm332@xxxxxxxx

The template was designed in the software FileMakerPro and will run on Mac and Windows machines. Download a
free trail of FileMaker at http://www.filemaker.com/support/downloads/

I look forward to your feedback --

Mona Jimenez
Moving Image Preservation Specialist/
Assistant Professor, MIAP
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
New York University
70 Washington Sq S
New York, NY 10012

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