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Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation project

"Casey, Michael T" wrote:

> We are launching a preservation project in collaboration with Harvard
> University that some of you might find of interest.

Save yourselves some time and money that could well be applied elsewhere and
contact the Library of Congress.

They invited 20 or so well known restoration engineers come to Washington a
year ago in January, and we spent two days discussing the issues involved and
agreed upon techniques and standards that could be applied by almost any
institution, down to most individual conservators.

There is not much point to re-invent the wheel unless you are proposing to
revise what was established at that meeting.

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to tape or phonograph records for
consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR's new CAMBRIDGE processes.

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