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Re: [ARSCLIST] Naming CD collections?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Wise" <jonathan.wise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I'm looking for any information or advice about naming/numbering large
> CD collections. I'd be especially interested to hear from those in museums
> or archives about their experiences incorporating CD collections into an
> existing catalogue.
Do you mean naming the collection as an entity? I would suppose that name
would refer either to the collector & owner, if the collection was donated,
or whomever provided the funds for the purchase of the items if that was
the case. Failing either of those, the logical name would be the institution
involved, although it could be named after some well-known figure in the
institution or department...or the subject of the collection if it has one.

As far as naming/numbering individual discs in the collection, I would
assume that title and catalog number, both presumably being unique in
the collection. If they are CD-R's of sound archive items tranferred
for easier access, the name and any assigned number would have to
relate to the analog source (if any); if these are actually original
recordings, then it becomes a choice as to whether disc "title" (its
name) or "Disc number" (in an in-house sequence or a set of them)
carries the most information. As long as there is a way of identifying
individual items, and this is available in a catalogue database, the
disc can be found by users. Also, the identification must appear on
both the disc, its case, a\nd the location where it is supposed to
be shelved, since all three are likely to be separated over time!

Steven C. Barr

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