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Re: [ARSCLIST] Small sound booth for transfers and restoration

Just a few comments regarding layout:

1.  Minimize the number of interconnects.  If you swap cables
    a lot to achieve a minimum number of connections, make sure
    the cables are easily accessible.

2.  What interconnects remain, keep them as short as possible

3.  Be sensitive to noise and hum by keeping power cables away
    from signal cables, or at least crossing at 90-degree angles.

4.  If you can afford dedicated power circuits for audio, that
    can help keep noise down.

5.  I prefer a linear flow (stage, clean, stage, transfer, stage),
    with staging areas flanking each major operation.  The staging
    areas are for: (a) records to be cleaned; (b) records to be
    transferred; (c) records to be re-packaged.

6.  Consider a microscope - I have a 150x stereo microscope
    hanging right over my turntable so that I can quickly measure
    groove width (with a calibrated reticle in the eyepiece), and
    check the condition of the grooves to select the right stylus
    more quickly.

Just some little things that can make a big difference.

Eric Jacobs
The Audio Archive
San Jose, California

---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 14:31:00 -0800
>From: RA Friedman <yiddishsong@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [ARSCLIST] Small sound booth for transfers and restoration
>To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>I've been asked to help come with a design for a sound booth that is going to
be part of a larger room. We'll be cleaning and transferring mostly 78rpm
shellac discs and 16" radio transcriptions.
>The space they've allotted is very small--7' x 13'  with an end the last three
feet, about 11 feet wide, so the space is an "l" shape.  Does anyone have an
suggestions concerning things to consider. I'll probably be working mostly with
headphone monitoring, but I will have a set of monitor speakers. Other
equipment will most likely be an SP-15 turntable, SME 3012R arm, Stanton 500
with a variety of stylii, a pre-amp, amplifier, outboard digitizer, and a
computer with DVD burner--pretty basic. We'lll probably have a separate area
for cleaning discs with Disc Doctor and then a rinse on a Keith Monks unit.
>I realize this is a "whole ball of wax" but I'm mostly interested in ideas
concerning the space and it's sound insulation, sound reflection, workflow,
lighting, outlets, etc.
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