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Re: [ARSCLIST] Slowing down playing speed in software

At 10:44 PM -0500 2/19/05, someone wrote:


I am looking for Windoze software that adjusts both the pitch and the

> playback time of a sound file in the proper proportion.

anytime you do a pitch change with no time correction it is in the proper proportion. that's the easiest thing to do, in a way, as it is "merely" a resampling of the points into a different "sample rate". the sample rate proportion would affect both pitch and time equally (as a linear media would).

matt sohn then points out:

DartPro 98 and Diamond Cut Millennium both have tools that will do this. Diamond Cut's is particularly flexible, in that it not only will speed up or slow down, but allows you to define a curve to adjust the speed variably over the length of the file

this feature is truly nice. hopefully there is a way for it to do this in the simplest way (resampling) and not by pitch and time processed being separate (as in the superb soft processor Pitch 'n' Time by Imaginary Gadgets, which is best if you need independent control, and which also allows either one to be switched out completely). the diamond is great for windows, the PnT by Imaginary for macs.

-- w/best regards, seva mastering engineer http://www.soundcurrent.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Things are not what they seem to be; nor are they otherwise. -- Lankavatara Sutra

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