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[ARSCLIST] Audio Recording "Freebie" Mailing List

A friend of mine, Mike Durff (aka the Audio Archeologist), has set up a
Free Audio Equipment list.

This was prompted by the "Don't Dumpster That Tape Recorder" thread on ARSC
and a couple of other lists.

There is a lot of unwanted equipment and supplies that might be of use to
some archives.

There is some used Betacam tape available
Some 1-inch audio layback machines
Some 7-inch reel-to-reel tape decks

All free for the asking, I think.

Here's the Welcome message from the list:

"Welcome to electronic recycling. The purpose of this group is for the
free exchange of electronic equipment related to audio recording. This
equipment includes, but, is not limited to items like; tape recorders,
recording tape, outboard gear, mics, etc... anything related to audio
recording.   Once you have joined, simply send an email listing items
that you would like to get rid of,or,wanted items. Hopefully another
member will see your post and respond. I would encourage you to move
the negotiations for shipping, etc...OFFLIST to keep the S/N ratio
low. Do not place FOR SALE posts here.  Let's use this list for FREE
stuff only.
Rule #1  BE NICE or leave ! This isn't the place to bash or trash
other people.
Hopefully,  I won't have to add to the rules.
Thanks, Durff "

To subscribe, send an email to

Use it at your own risk.



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Vignettes Media web: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/ Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX

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