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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fred Layn's post on the Studer list re: Quantegy

On 14/01/05, Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx wrote:
> In a message dated 1/13/2005 11:35:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> smolians@xxxxxxxxx writes: It is my unshakable belief that any sound
> combination originating by the assembling of electronic signals-
> systhesizer, electric guitar, etc., should never be used for
> calibration or dispassionate testing of speakers. There is simply no
> real-life experience of that sound to use for comparison. Cowbells are
> fine.
> ************
> Cowbells may not be noisy enough. The important thing is that all
> frequencies be present in the test signal, unlike the spectrum of much
> synthesized sound.

Either white noise or infinitely short clicks at random intervals.
> According to Jack Mullen in the AES interview
> http://www.aes.org/publications/videos.cfm the source used to equalize
> the first American tape recorder was the noise generated from the
> runout groove or a worn 78 rpm record. An FM tuner tuned between
> channels works well too.

However, this will also be bandwidth limited by its output circuits.

Don Cox

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