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Re: [ARSCLIST] Ampex & Sticky Shed Syndrome

When did Ampex get their patent? Patents in the US are for 20 years, I
believe, so even if they were inclined to enforce it, they can't have
many years left.

Matthew Barton
American Folklife Center
The Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4610
phone: (202) 707-1733
fax: (202) 707-2076
email: mbarton@xxxxxxx

>>> ArcLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/18/2004 1:34:08 AM >>>
I wonder why the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics September 1982 paper
"Kinetics of Humid Aging of Magnetic Recording Tape" by H. Neal
(Ampex) and Edward F. Cuddihy (JPL) wasn't referenced in the Ampex

It is available online at

It is also widely listed on the Web in bibliographies.




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