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[ARSCLIST] 78 collectors in the San Francisco Bay Area -- need your help!

Attn: 78 collectors in the San Francisco Bay Area

As part of Project Gramophone research, Eric Jacobs (who lives in the
Silicon Valley area) was recently loaned the Laser Turntable by ELP,
Inc. (Refer to http://www.elpj.com/ .)

He only has the ELP for a short while, and in this time he wants to
experiment with trying to playback various types of shellac and other
78-era discs (such as acetates).

Overall, ordinary black shellac 78s in good condition appear to
reliably play. However, we want to experiment with the more unusual
types and colors of discs found in the pre-WWII era. Here is a partial
list of the discs we'd like to try:

1) Blue wax Columbia's from the early 30's (both N- and worn)

2) Other non-black and mottled records (e.g., Perfect, Vocalion,
   Madison, etc.)

3) Vertical cut records (Edison Diamond Disks, Pathe', transcriptions)

4) Vogue and similar picture records

5) Highly-worn records

6) Warped and off center records

7) Flexible records such as Hit of the Week and the rare Flexo

8) Acetates and aluminum

9) Records which, for whatever reason, should not be played by stylus
   (such as very rare and delicate discs)

10) Anything else unusual

(Note: We're also interested in unusual microgroove records, such as
non-black colored and translucent vinyl.)

If you live in the Bay Area of California and own any of the above
types of unusual records in your collection, Eric would like to
arrange for you to come over to his house (hand carrying your records)
so he can try to play them on the ELP while you observe. In addition,
you will get to see first-hand the rest of his state-of-the-art
transfer equipment (which is *very* impressive and worth the visit),
as well as learn more about the goals and vision of Project Gramophone
and Sound Preserve.

Help Project Gramophone -- contact Eric today (not me.) His email
address is: ericj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Jon Noring
Project Gramophone

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