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[ARSCLIST] Celluloid Cylinder Exudation


I am writing to see if anyone can point me in the direction of repots concerning
celluoid exudation as it concerns audio cylinders. I spent part of the day today
and yesterday comparing lacquer disc exudation and celluloid cylinder exudation
under a microscope and they appear to be quite different. I am unable to
determine whether this is a result of fibers from an paper sleeve sticking to
the the lacquer or not, but the white substance on the disc is crystaline in
nature while that found on the cylinder is not.

Also, most of our examples so far include exudation only within the grooved
playing surface of the information layer. This say that the half-inch of
unrecorded celluloid nearest the endrim does not show any signs on exudation;
only the groved section of the surface (and only within the grooves themselves)
have we found the white substance in question.

Tomorrow we are hoping to use a much more powerful scope so I may know more
about the substance on these cylinders by then.

In any case, if there are any studies or reports as to celluloid cylinder
exudation I would really appreciate knowing about them while we're still in the
beginning stages of this process.

Thanks as always,

Brandon Burke
Graduate Research Assistant
Digital Library Services
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX
phone: (512) 495-4439
email: bburke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

*  "Stand up and face the full force of a dissonance like a man."   *
*                                                                   *
*                                  -- Charles Ives                  *

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