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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mono CD transfer

Yes it could.  It all depends on how high your levels are with your original
two-channel version.  If your levels are just below distorting *before* you
make your mono copy, then your mono copy could very well be distorted.  This
is if your programme sums the signal in making that mono copy.
If your original two-channel copy does not have much level to begin with,
then the conversion result would be simply a mono file with higher levels
than the two channel version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Don Cox [mailto:doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: June 25, 2004 12:02 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Mono CD transfer

On 25/06/04, Colin Schlachta wrote:
> I haven't worked with Sound Forge in a while, but I can remember that
> when mono files were made from stereo ones, Sound Forge would sum the
> two channels into one. This resulted in a 3 db gain in the new mono
> file. Is this still the case the current version of Sound Forge? I'm
> just mentioning this because sometimes people don't realise that this
> can be happenning to their new mono file versions of two channel ones.
> You can do a test by taking a 1 kHz tone and see if it goes up in
> volume when you play back the mono copy.

Surely that would give clipping?

Don Cox

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