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Re: [ARSCLIST] Magnetic recordings tape vs. moisture

Years ago it was considered "good engineering practice" to keep the tapes in
the plastic bags that they were shipped in by the manufacturer. I do not
know the derivation of that idea - but that is what I was taught as a tape
operator in my youth. When I got started in this field, I questioned that
notion - so  I kept condition information about tapes that were being
cleaned, and I tried to correlate whether tapes that were in a bag were in
fact in better shape. It was not a truly scientific study because I did not
have a way to empirically measure how dirty tapes were in the first place,
and I did have other people cleaning tapes then me - so what may have been
slightly dirty for one person may have been considered medium dirty for
another. Nevertheless - I could not every find any meaningful correlation
between binder degradation and tapes enclosed in plastic bags that should
have provided some level of vapor barrier protection. The notion that I came
up with to explain this is that over long periods of time the RH inside the
bag (unless it was sealed and virtually none were) and outside the bag would
have equalized - and if anything the vapor barrier would have provided a bit
of latency against humidity cycling (for better or worse). But this was a
hypothesis. In fact I could find no demonstrable correlation.

        Jim Lindner
        Media Matters, LLC
        Email: jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Address: 500 West 37th Street, 1st FL
        New York, N.Y. 10018
        eFax (646) 349-4475
        Mobile: (917) 945-2662

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dave Radlauer
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 12:56 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Magnetic recordings tape vs. moisture

In a message dated 6/10/04 9:03:03 PM, LISTSERV@xxxxxxx writes:

<< Would a completely sealed tape box minimize sticky shed syndrome by
insulating the tape from moisture in the environment? >>

In theory . . . maybe.  When the box is closed, any ambient moisture in the
air, and in the tape would be trapped inside.  Although dessicant (moisture
absorbing crystals) in the box might absorb and lock-up any such moisture.
But I
don't know any of the tape manufacturers really claim there "archival
containers" to really seal out moisture.

Dave Radlauer

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