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[ARSCLIST] Sound restoration software

We're due to buy a second set of transfer equipment (78s and LPs to CD and
other digital formats, for study of performance). Our current set uses a
Technics SL 1210 turntable, a selection of cartridges and styli from the
Expert Stylus Company, Elberg MD12 equalising preamp, Flying Cow A/D D/A
converters, CEDAR DCX and CRX units, Lynx L22 sound card.

While I'd welcome views on any of these, I'm really asking for your
thoughts on the relative merits of hardware and software noise reduction.
We're interested, for the sake of comparison, in taking the software route
this time. Any experiences using CEDAR software, Sonic Laundry, and other
programs at various budget levels would be very interesting.

Assuming we buy similar hardware to last time we'll have about GBP 5,500 or
USD 10,000 (unbelievable exchange rate today) to spend on noise reduction.
Total budget is GBP 11,000 / USD 20,000.

Thanks in advance, and apologies if you get this from two lists -- Dan

Dr Daniel Leech-Wilkinson
Associate Director
Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music
Department of Music, King's College
Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK

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